Massage Etiquette


Arrive at least 5 to 10 minutes early to remove shoes and slip on spa slippers, fill out intake forms, and have a glass of water or hot tea. Then sit back, take a deep breath, and begin to unwind! Arriving a few minutes early also ensures that the treatment can begin at the scheduled time. Lastly, silence your cell phone at this time.

Cancellation Policy

If you have to cancel your appointment, please provide at least a 24-hour notice so that another client can be booked in that time slot. Please be mindful that therapists only get paid when clients receive treatments and so last-minute cancellations effect their wages. Often times there is a waiting list for cancellations and with an appropriate amount of notice canceled appts can be filled.

What to wear during a massage?

It’s always best to be completely disrobed for the massage. This allows uninterrupted strokes and enables the therapist to properly work all appropriate muscle groups. Note that you are always covered and draped appropriately, you will never be exposed. During your massage, you’ll be under a sheet and blanket the entire time. The therapist will only uncover the area that he/she is working on at that time. You’ll be covered and feeling relaxed the entire session.

What to do during a Massage?

Simply relax. You, as the client, sets the tone for your treatment. Silence is always recommended so that you can focus on your breathing and body, and allow for complete relaxation. However, never hesitate to let your therapist know of your needs. If you need a bolster or the face cradle adjusted or the temperature changed and most certainly if you'd like the therapist to apply more or less pressure simply let your therapist know. Please feel comfortable in alerting your therapist immediately regarding any need or adjustment request.

After Your Massage

You have a few moments to breathe, sit up, and to re-dress. Once you are dressed, exit the room where your therapist will meet you. Please be mindful that another guest will be scheduled immediately after your treatment.


Tipping, though not mandatory, it is customary and always greatly appreciated by your therapist. You are welcome to leave a tip in the room or at the front desk when you check out. The amount of the tip is completely up to you and should be based on your level of satisfaction. To offer a guideline, most tip at a rate of 20-25% .


It’s always recommended that you book your next appointment at the time of checkout to ensure you get the therapist you request, and the time that is most accommodating to you. However, you are always welcome to book by phone or online at another time.